“We have encrypted all your personal files” Virus Removal


Welcome to our “We have encrypted all your personal files” Virus removal guide. The following instructions will aid you in removing the unwanted software from your PC for free.

“We Have Encrypted All Your Personal Files” Ransom Note

One of the most dangerous and problematic types of computer viruses is the infamous Ransomware and today we will introduce you to one of the newest pieces of malware that fall under this category. The name of the Ransomware that we will be focusing on is “We have encrypted all your personal files” Virus and it is known to employ the method of encryption as means to render the personal files of the user inaccessible. Once the virus has done this, it displays a notification in which there are instructions on how to pay the ransom in order to receive the code used to decrypt the files. Unless the demanded money is paid, the documents would remain locked and the user would not be able to access them. Having your machine invaded and your files locked by Ransomware can be a huge issue if one frequently uses their PC for their work and has a lot of important data stored on the computer’s hard-drive without having it backed up.

The danger of Ransomware

Ransomware viruses like “We have encrypted all your personal files” Virus tend to attack everyone – from regular users to big companies and institutions. There are even some examples where malware of this type would attack the PC networks of hospitals leaving the admins with no other choice but to pay the ransom due to the urgency of the situation. With all that being said, it should be quite obvious just how malicious and harmful a Ransomware virus can be and how important it is to have a good understanding of how this type of malware works in order to be able to counteract it. If you already had your documents encrypted by “We have encrypted all your personal files” Virus, we can offer you a guide that might help you remove the virus and regain access to your data. However, there’s a chance that the instructions in the guide will not be able to solve everything since this particular Ransomware is one of the latest and possibly one of the most advanced viruses of its class. Still, we believe that it is much safer to opt for our guide instead of actually paying money to a criminal. After all, you can never know if you are actually going to obtain the decryption key even after you pay the ransom.


One of the things that makes Ransomware such a huge issue is its unique approach and way of functioning. Instead of harming your PC or causing any kind of damage to your system or files, the virus simply locks the files while leaving the intact. This, combined with the fact that the method used to render the files inaccessible is none other than encryption – a process that isn’t inherently harmful or dangerous, makes it very difficult for most antivirus programs to detect the infection. This means that even if you have some form of security software on your PC, there’s high chance that “We have encrypted all your personal files” Virus or some other Ransomware can still invade your system and remain absolutely unnoticed right up until it has completed the process of locking your files and has displayed the notification in which the ransom is demanded.

Trying to detect the virus manually, by keeping eye for any potential symptoms is no easy task either. Usually, the signs of a Ransomware attack would be rather difficult to notice. Normally, a Ransomware virus would cause CPU and RAM spikes as well as take some amount of hard-drive space until the encryption is finished. If the user spots this, they might stand some chance of intercepting the virus if they act quickly and immediately shut down the computer after which professional support should be contacted. However, it is important to note that in many instances the encryption will happen very quickly leaving little to no time for reaction.

How to defend yourself against Ransomware

User awareness towards the different ways Ransomware can be distributed and how one can keep their PC safe is key to decreasing the number of infected PC’s and successfully fighting the Ransomware threat. The following tips are crucial to decreasing the chances of landing a virus like “We have encrypted all your personal files” Virus so we advise you to read them and use them from now on.

  • Whenever you receive an e-mail or message to your Facebook or Skype account that contains some suspicious hyperlink or an attached file, do not interact with the link or file until you can be absolutely sure that it is safe. Unless you can verify the safety of the message, do not interact with its contents since it could be spam that carries a Ransomware infection.
  • We strongly advise you to avoid websites that have obscure and shady contents. The further you delve into the depths of the Internet, the higher the chances of landing some nasty piece of malware. Stick to the web addresses that you know and trust and do not take any unnecessary risks.
  • Even though most antivirus programs oftentimes fail to detect viruses the likes of “We have encrypted all your personal files” Virus, it is crucial that you still have some form of anti-malware tool on your PC since it could help you defend against other forms of malware (such as Trojan horses) that can be used to infect your computer Ransomware.
  • Backing-up your valuable data is probably one of the best pieces of advice that we can give you when it comes to fighting Ransomware. If you do not have yet a backup of your important files, be sure to create one ASAP and keep it constantly updated.

“We have encrypted all your personal files” Virus Removal

 Here is what you need to do in order to remove a Ransomware virus from you computer.

I – Reveal Hidden files and folders and utilize the task manager


  1. Use the Folder Options in order to reveal the hidden files and folders on your PC. If you do not know how to do that, follow this link.
  2. Open the Start Menu and in the search field type Task Manager.
    Task Manager
  3. Open the first result and in the Processes tab, carefully look through the list of Processes.
  4. If you notice with the virus name or any other suspicious-looking or that seems to consume large amounts of memory, right-click on it and open its file location. Delete everything in there.



  • Make sure that the hidden files and folders on your PC are visible, else you might not be able to see everything.
  1. Go back to the Task Manager and end the shady process.

II – Boot to Safe Mode

  • Boot your PC into Safe Mode. If you do not know how to do it, use this guide/linked/.

III – Identify the threat

  1. Go to the ID Ransomware website. Here is a direct link.
  2. Follow there in order to identify the specific virus you are dealing with.

IV – Decrypt your files

  1. Once you have identified the virus that has encrypted your files, you must acquire the respective tool to unlock your data.
  2. Open your browser and search for how to decrypt ransomware, look for the name of the one that has infected your system.
  3. With any luck, you’d be able to find a decryptor tool for your ransomware. If that doesn’t happen try Step V as a last ditch effort to save your files.

V – Use Recuva to restore files deleted by the virus

  1. Download the Recuva tool. This will help you restore your original files so that you won’t need to actually decrypt the locked ones.
  2. Once you’ve downloaded the program, open it and select Next.
  3. Now choose the type of files you are seeking to restore and continue to the next page.
  4. When asked where your files were, before they got deleted, either use the option In a specific location and provide that location or choose the opt for the I am not sure alternative – this will make the program look everywhere on your PC.
  5. Click on Next and for best results, enable the Deep Scan option (note that this might take some time).
  6. Wait for the search to finish and then select which of the listed files you want to restore.
  • Keep in mind it is possible that not all files might be fully recovered. You can check in what condition the files are from the State column in the list of deleted files.

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