Romve Big Farm Virus


Welcome to our Big Farm Virus removal guide. The following instructions will aid you in removing the unwanted software from your PC for free.

Trojan horse viruses are among the most well-known kind of malware and discovering you’ve been infected by one certainly isn’t the ideal way you would like to be spending your day. Today we’d like to focus on one of the most recent Trojan horse variants – Big Farm Virus. This malicious program has infected a rather large number of users in a relatively short period of time and a few of them have actually contacted us with a cry for help. And that is precisely why we’ve created the following article and the removal guide beneath it. With its help you will be able to successfully locate and remove all components related to this particular virus and potentially event prevent any future harmful effects that it may not yet have had on you and your system. However, before you head over to the removal guide, we do recommend that you spend a few minutes to read through this article first. It will shed some light on what Big Farm Virus may be up to on you PC, as well as the possible ways it may have used to infect you. Furthermore, with that information in mind, you will be able to better protect your system from any such infections henceforth.

What Big Farm Virus is a capable of and how it travels

Trojan horse infections actually comprise over 70% of all malware infections ever recorded. That’s a huge number and there’s also a good reason for that. The thing is that Trojans are universal tools for inflicting harm of various kinds. They are so incredibly diverse in the tasks that they are able to perform, that they’re simply invaluable to any hacker out there. For one, Trojans can be used to lay waste to any given system at any point in time. All they have to do is invade the computer and format the disks – done. The PC will be wiped clean of any data, any files, etc. So, picture a business being illegally targeted by its competitors, for example. That kind of attack can be devastating to it and the people working for it.

Other potential usages of Trojans include data theft of various kinds. For example, the Trojan may be programmed to record the data you input by means of pushing the keys on your keyboard. This is a pretty common method called keystroke logging and will essentially provide the virus, be it Big Farm Virus or another one, with the necessary access to various private and sensitive information. It could in this way gain access to your online banking details, as an example, and use them to drain your bank accounts. Other possibilities include gaining access to your social media profiles and hacking them for the purpose of distributing spam and getting other users infected. Alternatively, your identity may be hijacked and used to commit various crimes on your behalf.

And, unfortunately, that’s not even the half of it. Trojans like Big Farm Virus are often capable of exploiting the resources of your computer to either mine cryptocurrencies or involve it in botnets. Another alternative is the ability of introducing other malware to your system, such as ransomware for example. Once you have downloaded the Trojan (obviously, without knowing it), it can then proceed to automatically download the ransomware onto your machine, where it will then encrypt the data on it and blackmail you to pay money.

As far getting infected by programs like Big Farm Virus goes, possibilities are quite numerous here, too. And while we can’t really tell you exactly how it is that Big Farm Virus entered your machine, we would like to name the most common sources, so you can steer clear from them from now on. The primary source of all the most dangerous types of malware, including Trojans, is still the good old spam emails. These usually contain a link or an attached file, which you are expected to follow or open and that is how the Trojan enters your system. Other options are the increasingly popular malvertisements. These are fake online ads that contain the malicious script of a virus and once you click on it – you download that virus. It’s difficult to say exactly where you might come across a malicious ad like this, but the most likely locations are various illegal and obscure-looking websites.


Name Big Farm
Type Trojan
Danger Level  High (Trojans are often used as a backdoor for Ransomware)
Symptoms  Trojans usually do not exhibit any symptoms, which is why they are so difficult to detect.
Distribution Method  Malvertisements, spam emails and their attachments, infected torrents and other downloadable content.

Big Farm Virus Removal


I – Safe mode and revealing hidden files

Boot your PC into Safe Mode /link/

Reveal hidden files and folders /link/

II – Uninstallation

Use the Winkey+R keyboard combination, write Control Panel in the search field and hit enter.

Go to Uninstall a program under Programs.

Seek the unwanted software, select it and then click on Uninstall

If you are unable to spot Big Farm Virus, search for any unrecognized programs that you do not remember installing on your PC – the unwanted software might disguise itself by going under a different name.

III – Removing Shady processes


Go to your start menu, type Task Manager in the search field and from the results open View running processes with Task Manager.

Thoroughly look through all processes. The name Big Farm Virus might not be there, but if you notice any shady looking process that consumes high amounts of memory it might be ran by the unwanted program.

If you spot the process ran by Big Farm Virus, right-click on it, open its file location and delete everything in there. Then go back to the Task Manager and end the process.

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