Ads “Virus” Removal


Welcome to our Ads “Virus” removal guide. The following instructions will aid you in removing the unwanted software from your PC.

If a program named has recently been installed on your PC and has changed your browser’s homepage and search engine or has added new toolbars, we can help you deal with that issue and bring your Chrome, IE or Firefox browser back to its normal state. However, before you learn how to remove software like “Virus” from your PC, you must get yourself acquainted with what these programs actually are and how harmful they can be for your system. Additionally, we will give you several very important tips on how to keep your computer safe from them so that you don’t have to deal with such software in the future. Browser Redirect is a Browser Hijacker

Generally, all programs that get on your browser and try to meddle with its settings without the user’s agreement are considered Browser Hijackers. The most common use of this type of software is for marketing purposes. The thing is that most Hijackers employ advertising methods that are quite aggressive and intrusive. Unlike regular online ads that you see, adverts coming from such programs tend to be very obstructive and aggravating. Additionally, as we mentioned, your browser is likely to get modified by the unwanted program. This often happens without your permission and in many cases users are unable to restore their browser back to normal until the Hijacker has been removed. This is also why removing the annoying piece of software is the best way to handle the issue.

Can it be harmful?

There are different opinions regarding whether or not can be referred to as malware. Undoubtedly, there are some similarities between Browser Hijackers and computer viruses. However, there are also quite a few differences. The main distinction between those two types of software is that most of the time, Browser Hijackers are not dangerous to your computer system. Sure, they can be nagging and frustrating, but this is generally all the harm they are capable of. On the other hand, actual malicious software like the nasty Trojan horse viruses or the infamous Ransomware is really something to be concerned about.

Potential problems caused by Hijackers

In this paragraph, we will give you information concerning what other problems might occur if you have had installed onto your PC. You need to understand that even though this program is not some sort of malicious Ransomware, it is still best if you uninstall it and remove it as soon as you can.

  • Browser Hijackers are known to employ some quite sketchy methods to boost their advertising potential. One such technique is when they scan your browsing history. The information they acquire from your browser allows them to modify the ads they display making them more relevant to the individual user’s preferences. This effectively increases the number of clicks on the ads, which in turn transfers to higher amounts of revenue generated for the Hijacker’s developer (the Pay-Per-Click method).
  • Sometimes, the pop-ups on your screen that are coming from the unwanted program can be quite sketchy or misleading. For example, at times you might see exaggerated or even false error warnings that tell you to download a certain program in order to resolve the issue (that is probably non-existent anyway). Do not get tricked by those, since most of the time it’s nothing but a devious form of software promotion.
  • Another very common issue with some Hijackers is that they cause the user’s PC to run considerably slower. This is caused by the heavy CPU and RAM usage caused by the undesirable software. If your computer is not very powerful, it might even start to crash and freeze of the Hijacker remains active for too long.

Learning how to protect your computer from Browser Hijackers

Last but not least, it is time for you to find out what the best way to avoid these programs is. To ensure that your machine is well protected from all sorts of unwanted software, you will need to make a mental not of the following tips and adhere to them from now on.

  • Take a look at your browser’s settings and make sure that when it comes to downloading new files, your permission is required each time a new file is about to be downloaded.
  • Get a reliable anti-adware/malware tool to enhance your computer’s protection.
  • Never open e-mails or suspicious links from other online messages if they seem like some form of spam.
  • Be careful and vigilant when surfing the net. You must avoid sketchy and potentially illegal websites at all costs!
  • Be careful when installing new software, since it might be bundled with unwanted programs like To deal with such file bundles, always make sure to examine the setup wizard and see if there are any added installs that look potentially unwanted. If anything seems like it could be some sort of a Browser Hijacker, uncheck it in order to leave it out (sometimes you will need to enter the custom installation menu to see all added content). Ads “Virus” Removal

I – Uninstallation


  1. Use the Winkey+R keyboard combination, write Control Panel in the search field and hit enter.
  2. Go to Uninstall a program under Programs.
  3. Seek the unwanted software, select it and then click on Uninstall
    1. If you are unable to spot, search for any unrecognized programs that you do not remember installing on your PC – the unwanted software might disguise itself by going under a different name.

II – Safe mode and revealing hidden files

  1. Boot your PC into Safe Mode /link/
  2. Reveal hidden files and folders /link/

III – Cleaning all your browsers

  1. Go to your browser’s icon, right-click on it and select Properties.
  2. Go to the Shortcut tab and in the Target make sure to delete anything written after “.exe”.
  3. Now, open your browser and follow the instructions below depending on whether you are using Chrome, Mozilla or IE.
  • Chrome users:
  1. Go to your browser’s main menu located in the top-right corner of the screen and select Settings.
  2. Scroll down, click on Show Advanced Settings and then select Clear browsing data. Just to be sure, tick everything and clear the data.
  3. Now, in the left pane, go to Extensions and look through all extensions that are integrated within your browser. If you notice any suspicious add-on, disable it and then remove it.
  • Firefox users:
  1. Similarly to Chrome, go to the main menu and select Add-ons and then Extensions.
  2. Remove any suspicious browser extensions that you may have even if they do not have the name on them.
  • IE users:
  1. Go to Tools and select Manage add-ons.
  2. Click on all add-on types from the left pane and check if there is anything suspicious in the right panel. In case you find anything shade, make sure to remove it.

IV – Removing Shady processes


  1. Go to your start menu, type Task Manager in the search field and from the results open View running processes with Task Manager.
  2. Thoroughly look through all processes. The name might not be there, but if you notice any shady looking process that consumes high amounts of memory it might be ran by the unwanted program.
  3. If you spot the process ran by, right-click on it, open its file location and delete everything in there. Then go back to the Task Manager and end the process.

V – DNS check

  1. In the start menu search box write View Network Connections and open the first result.
  2. Right-click on the network connection you are using and go to Properties.
  3. Select Internet Protocol Version (TCP/IPv4) and click on Properties.
  4. If Obtain DNS server addresses automatically is not checked, check it.
  5. Go to Advanced and select the DNS If there is anything in the DNS server addresses field, remove it and click OK.
  6. Click OK on the rest of the opened windows.


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