Cerber Ransomware Encryption


If your computer has comein contact with cerber ransomware then you are in big problem. Typically ransomware viruses directly extort you for money by demanding ransom for your encrypted files, they don’t steal passwords, credit card information, accounts etc. The main problem with cerber ransomware is that although you might have remove it, it will not automatically restore the encrypted files. You will be asked to pay a certain amount of money in BitCoins to get your files restored. Deciding on whether you want to pay or try the alternative solutions we have provided with this guide is up to you. One thing you should remember thought is that the encrypted files will not restore to their original state when you remove the ransomware. This ransomware differentiates itself from the rest since it also restarts your computer into safe mode with networking and injecting the computer with malware.

cerber ransomware- steps after initial infection

How does cerber ransomware exactly infects your computer is probably one the questions that occupy your mind right now and we will answer that soon enough. First of all, the virus will make a list of all of your stored files as soon as it installs on your PC. Regardless if you have them saved on your hard-drive, flash drives оr other removable media – they will be recorded by the virus. Usually, ransomware targets mainly files containing data that may be useful to yourself. It would rarely target system files that would make your computer unusable,i.e., ‘good for nothing’.

Another thing you should keep in mind is that the virus has the habit of staying hidden while encrypting your files, so you won’t know that its there at all. This may take few days, to weeks or months. One major sign for all computer viruses, in general, is that your device will experience significant slowness in performance and it will only get worse. The encryption process of cerber ransomware encryption takes lots of memory and CPU.

Once the encryption has ended the virus will reveal itself in all glory and majesty and it will demand you to submit a ransom payment in the form of BitCoin. Sometimes it will give you a deadline to submit the payment to simply put pressure on you and stress you out. DON’T BUY THIS!!!! This is just a way for Hackers to get your money and there is no 100% guarantee that you will get what you pay for,i.e, your files will be restored. In fact, this is very unlikely to happen! Hackers are not Walmart and you won’t get a refund or a  ‘store credit’ either.

Why do Hackers want you to pay with BitCoin?

Simple: BitCoin is an online currency that has been purchased with cash and could be turned into cash again, but while its in the form of BitCoin it’s untraceable and no branch of authority can find how much hackers have actually made via BitCoin.

How did cerber ransomware infect my computer?

One popular way for your device to get infected with this particular type of virus is through another virus — Trojan horse — well known of IT specialists and еven not so tech-savvy computer users. The trick here is that Trojan horse is very hard to be found manually because they hide as well as mice do! The Trojan horse has the function to install new viruses all on its own. The best way to protect yourself from it is to install/download specialized software to your PC BEFORE you get the virus. Better be more pre-cautious, then totally full of regrets afterwards.

There are, however, some fake and untruthful programs out there that “promise” you to “save you” from the bad effects of ransomware. REMEMBER: NOT EVERY PROGRAM/SOFTWARE ADVERTISED IS REAL!!! In fact, all ransomware viruses that can be decrypted have that information listed for free. It is best practice to always ask for proof before paying anything — verify the source and try out the program to see if i actually works or if it’s fake and made to spread more ransomware creators.

When you are browsing through our removal guide, keep in mind, that the file recovery method suggested won’t endanger the encrypted files, so you can choose to pay if files are very important to you and nothing else has worked to help you until now.

This guide is brought to you by howtoremove.guide


Reboot in Safe Mode (use this guide if you don’t know how to do it).

This is the first preparation.



The first thing you must do is Reveal All Hidden Files and Folders.

  • Do not skip this. cerber ransomware may have hidden some of its files.

Hold the Start Key and R copy + paste the following and click OK:

notepad %windir%/system32/Drivers/etc/hosts

A new file will open. If you are hacked, there will be a bunch of other IPs connected to you at the bottom. Look at the image below:

hosts_opt (1)

If there are suspicious IPs below “Localhost” – write to us in the comments.

Type msconfig in the search field and hit enter. A window will pop-up:


Go in Startup —> Uncheck entries that have “Unknown” as Manufacturer.


Press CTRL + SHIFT + ESC simultaneously. Go to the Processes Tab. Try to determine which ones are a virus. Google them or ask us in the comments.



Right click on each of the virus processes separately and select Open File Location. End the process after you open the folder, then delete the directories you were sent to.



Type Regedit in the windows search field and press Enter. Once inside, press CTRL and F together and type the virus’s Name.

Search for the ransomware in your registries and delete the entries. Be extremely careful – you can damage your system if you make a big mistake.

Type each of the following in the Windows Search Field:

  1. %AppData%
  2. %LocalAppData%
  3. %ProgramData%
  4. %WinDir%
  5. %Temp%

Delete everything in Temp. The rest just check our for anything recently added. Remember to leave us a comment if you run into any trouble!


How to Decrypt files infected with cerber ransomware

There is only one known way to remove this virus successfully – reversing your files to a time when they were not infected. There are two options you have for this:

The first is a full system restore. To do this type System Restore in the windows search field and choose a restore point. Click Next until done.

system restore_opt

Your second option is a program called Recuva

Go to the official site for Recuva and download it from there – the free version has everything you currently need.

When you start the program select the files types you want to recover. You probably want all files.

Next select the location. You probably want Recuva to scan all locations.

Now click on the box to enable Deep Scan. The program will now start working and it may take a really long time to finish – maybe even several hours if your HDD is really big, so be patient and take a break if necessary.

You will now get a big list of files to pick from. Select all relevant files you need and click Recover.

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