GoPro Action Cameras Are Getting A Serious Upgrade

Nulla vel euismod eros. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse lacinia finibus ipsum vitae tempus. Nam vestibulum pretium leo a facilisis. Ut id tincidunt neque. Morbi sit amet varius velit. Pellentesque eget metus et velit maximus placerat ut in quam. Pellentesque luctus ligula id ipsum gravida, quis scelerisque mi congue. Morbi vehicula neque ex, non ultricies arcu ullamcorper sit amet. Morbi rutrum sem non tortor eleifend, quis scelerisque nulla cursus. Aliquam erat volutpat.

Nullam ipsum felis, euismod bibendum nunc nec, facilisis sagittis tortor. In tortor diam, commodo imperdiet risus eget, lacinia gravida ipsum. Etiam lorem sem, tempor vitae odio sit amet, porttitor sagittis massa. Aenean a diam nec orci malesuada convallis in a nisi. Nulla nulla orci, tincidunt ac malesuada et, gravida vitae leo.

Nunc sagittis nibh et felis dignissim, ac sagittis ante venenatis. Vivamus lobortis, urna sed scelerisque gravida, nulla libero tincidunt urna, eget rhoncus lectus quam id lectus. Quisque tristique non neque vitae pretium. Duis eget mi libero. Vestibulum eu convallis leo. Duis eget bibendum eros, at suscipit nibh. Etiam leo sem, fringilla quis dictum accumsan, luctus vel elit. Mauris magna nibh, scelerisque a ipsum ut, scelerisque vestibulum mauris.

Nintendo Switch price revealed at “Toys R Us” Canada – CAD$329.99!

Nintendo Switch price revealed at “Toys R Us” Canada for CAD$329.99!

A pricing leak via the huge multi-national toys and games retailer – Toys R Us  Canada – has revealed the cost at which the Nintendo Switch gaming console will be available for purchase. The premature listing at the games retailer website was reported by  WCCF Tech a few hours ago and you can check the listed gaming console here.


The Nintendo Switch has been listed for $329.99 Canadian dollars, which is about $245 – a quite affordable price, which could make the console accessible to purchase for a lot of gamers. If the given price is true, the Nintendo Switch could be available at the European market for about €249 – a fitting choice for such a device, compared to the dominating Sony/Microsoft gaming solutions.  Moreover, it provides its users with both handheld as well as home console functionality.  Some other sources on the internet claim that in the UK, the Nintendo Switch Basic will sell for just £199, while the game bundle deals could reach up to £249. Extra Switch Pro Controllers would be available for £39 each. Indeed, this could be one of the good deals for the coming Christmas sales, and of course, a decent gift for the keen gamers.

The powerful Nintendo Switch device is powered by NVIDIA technology and here is what they shared with regards  to the partnership with Nintendo and the coming release of the gaming console:

“Several hundred engineering years have gone into the development of this incredible game console. I really believe when everybody sees it and enjoy it, they’re going be amazed by it. It’s really like nothing they’ve ever played with before. And of course, the brand, their franchise and their game content is incredible.”

 The gaming world is eager to hear what Nintendo is about to says in the coming media briefing that is set on 13th of January next year in Tokyo. Most probably the official final price of the console is more likely  to be announced during that event. There, the company is expected to give some more details on the many questions, which the gamers raised about the new Switch system. The official trailer video only gave the buzz to what is cooking up, but we are yet to see the features and functionalities of the gaming console in action.

Surely, we will keep you updated to any further leaks and  rumors related to the Nintendo Switch price. So stay in touch to be among the first to know the news.



Visual Studio 15 Release Date – (what we know so far)

Visual Studio 15 Release Date – (what we know so far)

A number of improvements have been released in Visual Studio “15” after the announcement of the Visual Studio “15” Preview 5 earlier in October. Can this indicate that the final release may be coming soon? There are many speculations among the users of the integrated development environment, which are looking forward to the newest functionalities, but unfortunately, there is still no official information about when we should expect Visual Studio 15 final release to be available for a mass usage. However, there are several great performance boosting features that have been announced by Microsoft just a few days ago, therefore we assume that the final release date may also be approaching.

Using various Microsoft software development platforms, Visual Studio “15” has been focused on making their developer tools easier to install, providing better performance, and enhancing the developers’ productivity. Staying true to that focus, a few days ago, the Visual Studio team revealed in their blog post what new improvements and changes they have been cooking up for their extension authors and the customers who are using extensions. This is a quick glimpse of the most interesting changes:

  • A performance monitoring system for extensions has been added. It notifies the customers with a gold notification bar when an extension is slowing load time or typing speed; The monitoring system is focused on addressing three specific performance bottlenecks – Visual Studio startup performance, solution load performance, and overall responsiveness.
  • Batched Extension Installations – another long requested feature, which make it easier to install, update and remove multiple Visual Studio extensions at once.
  • The new Visual Studio installer now makes the Visual Studio more modular, by installing just the features you need for the work you’re doing. This small in size configuration saves time and gets installed in a few minutes, at the same time giving the developers the functionality they need, without unnecessary components and supporting features.
  • There are some performance improvements, related to the extension authors as well. The changes to the standard VSIX extension format now enable the authors to add some powerful new capabilities such as lightweight solution load , which is still an “experimental” feature, and NGEN support for extensions.
  • One of the last significant changes is the transition to the Visual Studio Marketplace as a place for discovering and installing extensions. It provides support to developer tools like the Visual Studio itself, Visual Studio Code and Visual Studio Team Services and makes it easier to find the desired ones in no time.350_news_dowser_image1

We are excited by some of the new features! What about you?

Microsoft: Windows 10 Anniversary Update protects you from Ransomware

Microsoft: Windows 10 Anniversary Update protects you from Ransomware

Microsoft claims that Windows 10 version 1607 is the most secure Windows version to the present. This statement was announced with the release of a new security white paper called Ransomware Protection in Windows 10 Anniversary Update. A Microsoft representative reveals, that “Every day cybercriminals test new ways to attack and gain control of your PC”, therefore the company is working hard to ensure the safety of the Windows 10 users with the best security measures. 


Security improvements from a new generation are included in the Windows 10 Anniversary Update, which claims to provide protection even for notorious threats such as Ransomware, that is troubling many users worldwide. Just in the past 12 months, the number of the Ransomware versions and the infections has doubled, security experts alarm. To combat this tendency, Microsoft has developed and incorporated multiple solutions into its systems and technologies in order to help the users protect their machines. In its Windows 10 Anniversary Update, the specialists have enhanced some security features, which make this version of the Windows OS the most secure and more ransomware-resilient one to the present.

In the published “Ransomware Protection in Windows 10 Anniversary Update” post, the company reveals details about how the latest Windows 10 version helps to protect all of its users – from consumers to businesses. In their blog, Microsoft prompts to Windows 10 version 1607 to the most secure version at the moment.

Here are some of the security improvements that this release includes:

Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection. This is a new security service which is designed to help businesses respond to malicious attacks, identify damages, if any, and predict where the malware may be moving next. The Windows Defender can also work with Office 365 Advanced Threat Protection in order to provide more details about the source of the attack.

For Ransomware prevention and protection, the Microsoft team advises the users to install the Windows 10 Anniversary update and accept its default security settings. Also, for optimal protection, it is best to update all devices to the very latest updates and security patches. Creating a reliable backup strategy and regularly following it may save the users from a massive data loss, in case that a Ransomware threat encrypts the machine, advise the experts.

Browser security improvements. The Microsoft Edge browser runs Adobe Flash Player in an isolated container in the latest version. This way Edge exploits cannot execute other applications. According to Microsoft, these improvements can block malware from silently downloading and executing malicious payloads on the systems.

Windows Defender improvements.  The faster work of the Windows Defender signature delivery channel helps the in-box anti-virus and anti malware solution to block Ransomware, both in the cloud and on the client. In addition, it responds to new threats quicker than before, plus it is packed with improved behavioral heuristics, which aim to detect ransomware-related activities.

Do you find Windows 10 reliable enough? Share with us your  favorite protection and prevention measures in the comments below.



Microsoft: Windows 10 Anniversary Update protects you from Ransomware

Microsoft: Windows 10 Anniversary Update protects you from Ransomware

Microsoft claims that Windows 10 version 1607 is the most secure Windows version to the present. This statement was announced with the release of a new security white paper called Ransomware Protection in Windows 10 Anniversary Update. A Microsoft representative reveals, that “Every day cybercriminals test new ways to attack and gain control of your PC”, therefore the company is working hard to ensure the safety of the Windows 10 users with the best security measures. 


Security improvements from a new generation are included in the Windows 10 Anniversary Update, which claims to provide protection even for notorious threats such as Ransomware, that is troubling many users worldwide. Just in the past 12 months, the number of the Ransomware versions and the infections has doubled, security experts alarm. To combat this tendency, Microsoft has developed and incorporated multiple solutions into its systems and technologies in order to help the users protect their machines. In its Windows 10 Anniversary Update, the specialists have enhanced some security features, which make this version of the Windows OS the most secure and more ransomware-resilient one to the present.

In the published “Ransomware Protection in Windows 10 Anniversary Update” post, the company reveals details about how the latest Windows 10 version helps to protect all of its users – from consumers to businesses. In their blog, Microsoft prompts to Windows 10 version 1607 to the most secure version at the moment.

Here are some of the security improvements that this release includes:

Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection. This is a new security service which is designed to help businesses respond to malicious attacks, identify damages, if any, and predict where the malware may be moving next. The Windows Defender can also work with Office 365 Advanced Threat Protection in order to provide more details about the source of the attack.

For Ransomware prevention and protection, the Microsoft team advises the users to install the Windows 10 Anniversary update and accept its default security settings. Also, for optimal protection, it is best to update all devices to the very latest updates and security patches. Creating a reliable backup strategy and regularly following it may save the users from a massive data loss, in case that a Ransomware threat encrypts the machine, advise the experts.

Browser security improvements. The Microsoft Edge browser runs Adobe Flash Player in an isolated container in the latest version. This way Edge exploits cannot execute other applications. According to Microsoft, these improvements can block malware from silently downloading and executing malicious payloads on the systems.

Windows Defender improvements.  The faster work of the Windows Defender signature delivery channel helps the in-box anti-virus and anti malware solution to block Ransomware, both in the cloud and on the client. In addition, it responds to new threats quicker than before, plus it is packed with improved behavioral heuristics, which aim to detect ransomware-related activities.

Do you find Windows 10 reliable enough? Share with us your  favorite protection and prevention measures in the comments below.



Chrome launches new audio focus feature!

Chrome launches new audio focus feature!

Interested in cool new Chrome features? “Manage audio focus across tabs to improve the audio mixing” enables you to customize your audio preferences in Chrome.

You have probably ended up many times with multiple audio sources playing at the same time in your Chrome browser, and you surely know how annoying this could be, especially when you need to click on each tab to stop them. Fortunately, a new feature in Chrome Dev for desktop and Chrome OS has been launched by Google just now, which will put an end to that. It ensures that only one audio source is playing at a time and saves you from the annoyance of the multiple sources of audio playing simultaneously. From now on, thanks to this new feature, Chrome will play audio only on the active site, provided that it has one, and will stop the sounds from other open tabs, instead of playing them all in the background.

The feature is not enabled by default, that’s why users who prefer to play some low volume music and some voice audio simultaneously can still do that. However, those of you, who mind playing multiple audio sources and wish to enable the feature, can activate it from the Chrome settings, where you can easily adjust it to fit your preferences. The easiest way to do that is to launch the Chrome browser and type the following address in the address bar: chrome://flags/#enable-default-media-session


This will guide you directly to the experimental features page. Just make sure you are using the latest version of Chrome, for the “Manage audio focus across tabs to improve the audio mixing” feature to be available. To enable it, click on the menu underneath and select either “Enable” or “Enable (Flash lowers volume when interrupted by other sound, experimental)”. The first enable option blocks any other audio source, excluding the one from the active site, while the second just lowers the volume of the other source. Then, restart the browser for the settings to take effect.

Blocking the audio through the new feature in Chrome, however, may cause some slight inconvenience in the beginning and may have some issues, since it is still in a test version. For example, if you play some music in the background that you want to listen to while browsing the web, if you come across a site that plays audio, be it an auto-playing advert or a video, the music will stop and the advert will play. At its worst, you will need to go back to the music page to click play each time it stops due to another active site with an audio, that you may come across during your browsing. Google is working on improving the feature and automating that process, but if you don’t find it that useful at the moment, you can easily disable it from the menu we showed you above.

What do you think? Will you give it a try?

Xbox One November 2016 Update – Performance and Fixes

Xbox One November 2016 Update – Performance and Fixes


A new Xbox update with performance fixes when navigating Home has been released by Microsoft today. This update is a small one and came a few days after the Xbox preview build, which brought some significant fixes and improvements to Groove crashes, Cortana, Narrator crashes, some informative Messaging errors and more.

The details of this latest patch are as follows:

OS version released: rs1_xbox_rel_1610.161105-1400
Available: 6:00PM PDT 11/6 (2:00AM GMT 7/11)
• Performance fixes when navigating Home.

This is how some users reacted to the announcement of the home dashboard performance fixes:


The update was scheduled to be available from 6:00PM PDT 11/6 (2:00AM GMT 7/11) to enrolled consoles. You can update by launching the Guide and navigating to All Settings > System > Console info & updates, once the Performance fixes when navigating Home are available to you.

Just two days ago, on November 5th, Microsoft released a new Xbox One update for preview members, which brought some major improvements. It offered fixes for issues affecting various features such as Cortana, Messaging, and the Virtual Keyboard. Users got better speech recognition for France, Italy, Germany, and Spain. The Groove Music crash was fixed when launched via Cortana and some messaging support was added when a user fails to send a message due to low reputation. You can find more information about the last update here.

Some preview members have managed to install the update and here is what they say about it:


It looks like  some of the long waited improvements in Xbox are coming live now and the gamers are greeting the fixes with excitement. Hopefully, these updates  will be available to the public consoles sooner rather than later and more users will be able to benefit them.

An interesting fact is that the Xbox update preview came just a day after the  head Phil Spencer announced in a Twitter post that Xbox One backward compatibility for certain games are expected to come by the end of November. According to GameRant, the list of titles includes some “top fan requests” such as “Red Dead Redemption,” “Gears of War” and “Call of Duty: Black Ops”. These games are now confirmed to be getting backward compatibility and the gamers would have them this month itself. The fans of “Grand Theft Auto IV,” “Mass Effect 2” and even the seventh-generation “Call of Duty” will be satisfied too, because these games are  also likely to be added to the list of backward compatible games, as Spencer revealed.

What would you say about these two updates? Did you manage to test them already? Please feel free to share your comments in the section below.

Twitter was down, but now back online!

 Twitter is now accessible after been down for nearly an hour.

If you were unable to access Twitter today, it wasn’t only you who had this issue. The famous social platform was down for nearly an hour, but now it seems to be returning to normal. However, some users are reporting that they still have problems to load the site due to getting various errors..

The sudden crash affected Twitter’s Web and mobile apps, as well as the TweetDeck, but the reason for it remains unknown. The company has not come with an official statement for the recent problems with the Twitter platform yet, but according to the users’ reports, the official website was not accessible and the attempts to connect on both desktop and mobile failed between 12:50 AM ET and 1:24AM ET.


Twitter problem reports at

The majority of signals reporting of Twitter being down came from Japan and the east coast of the United States, however, many users from different locations around the world are still indicating issues with the access to the famous platform. Some users are reporting drastic slowdowns and inability to log in.

Is this a hack or malfunctioning? Many users are rumoring about the possible reasons for Twitter being down and some of them even point that the famous social platform might be under a cyber-attack. This may make some sense, having in mind that there were previous attempts for such attacks in the past followed by similar malfunctions.  And while at this moment there is no official information which we could point to, it is not clear whether this is the case or not. We are expecting more information from Twitter itself and will update you accordingly in the next hours. If you are still having issues to connect to the platform, let us know in the comments below and we will make sure to inform you about the latest news and fixes of this matter.


Microsoft Translator will translate multiple languages in real time

Microsoft Translator will translate multiple languages in real time

The preview app is expected to be released by the end of this year


Microsoft Translator may put an end to the language barrier with its real time multiple language translation abilities. This was announced by Microsoft on Tuesday, when the company unveiled its plans to release a new mobile translate application. It looks like the end of 2016 is expected be quite eventful for tech circles, since this new app is expected to be released before the end of the year. From the company, they say that Microsoft Translator will be able to translate real time conversations, all in different languages, which is a new step towards multilingual communication.

The present version of the Microsoft Translator app can already translate conversations between two people, however, very soon this will be just a piece of cake for the new preview release. By the year’s end, the company believes that it will be able to provide users with multiple speaker support, using nine languages.

Such live translation was demonstrated at the Microsoft Future Decoded event in London, with a product demo of the new translator technology. The demonstration showed three people, who were chatting in three different languages – one speaking French, another speaking German and the third speaking English. The demo application was installed on each speaker’s smartphone and managed to translate in real time their written text messages and their verbal conversations. The prototype of a mobile app powered by Microsoft Translator also managed to show the public translations in Chinese, as well as the fictional language Klingon, leaving the public impressed by the new concept of multilingual real-time communication.

What has been revealed is that Microsoft is working hard to ensure that by the end of the year, the preview application will be able to make text translations in 60 languages and provide support for spoken translation in nine languages. This is what Oliver Fortana, director of Product Strategy for Microsoft Translator, said during the London event:

“The idea is to say ‘everybody has a smart device, a smartphone, or a tablet. What if we could harness the power of those smart devices to enable real-time, multilingual conversation translation for an in-person situation?’”

After this empowering news, even the non-linguistic lovers may get some powerful support in communicating freely, especially if they are backed by real-time translation tools like the Microsoft Translator app.

Surface Studio may be available in Europe earliest in February 2017

Surface Studio may be available in Europe earliest in February 2017

A Swiss online retailer has listed Surface Studio for pre-order on their website

NEW YORK City, October 26th, 2016 — Microsoft unveiled to the tech world a new and broad vision that can empower a wave of creativity. With the announcement of a major creative update coming to more than 400 million Windows 10 users and the introduction of Surface Studio – an impressive device packed with amazing features – the company has been making the headlines for a week now.

What truly caused a furore among the professionals, who went to the October event, is the new addition to the expanding Surface family – the Surface Studio. With the thinnest LCD monitor ever build and its stunning ultra-HD 4.5K screen, this device quickly transforms from a comfortable desktop to a powerful and creative digital canvas, giving creativity no limits.

Just a few days after its official presentation on stage, the interest for the device was so huge that it ran out of stock in the Microsoft Store. Fortunately, its pre-orders were quickly renewed and now Surface Studio is available for pre-order again. Its price starts from $2,999 for the core i5 configuration, but the multifunctional device is also available in two more configurations with higher hardware specifics. Unfortunately, as of now, Surface Studio can be pre-ordered only in the United States and in limited quantities. But when can the world expect it for a broader availability?

Without a doubt, the Surface Studio is one of the most desirable pieces of hardware ever, and fortunately, it will soon be available for mass purchase in Europe as well. It seems that Digitec, a Swiss online retailer, has listed Surface Studio for pre-order on their website.

The price, at which one could purchase the device in Europe, is 3799 Swiss francs, which converted to Euro makes it available for 3509 Euro ($3866) for the core i5 configuration and reaching up to 5299 CHF or 4890 Euro ($5387) for the Core i7.

The shipment is announced to be on February 15th, 2017, which gives an early indication of when we can expect the Surface Studio to be made available on the European market.