Deskapp “Virus” Removal


Welcome to our Deskapp “Virus” removal guide. The following instructions will aid you in removing the unwanted software from your PC.

Like most programs of the adware category, Deskapp “Virus” can be pretty annoying and you must agree, given you’ve found this page. The many ads, popup windows, banners, in-text links that have become an inherent part of your Chrome or Firefox browser are sure to be driving you up the wall by now. Luckily, this is you last stop before becoming ad-free. In this article we will provide you with everything you need to know about adware and Deskapp “Virus” and at the end you will find a removal guide that will walk you through the process of uninstalling the invasive program. You may have already noticed that your regular uninstallation techniques have done nothing towards the removal of both Deskapp and the many adware-like programs such as Amulesw, WinSnare, BikaQRSS. That’s because this software knows how to hide. Keep reading and very soon you will have rid yourself of this bothersome piece of programming.

What is adware? Why is it on my PC?

Adware means advertising software, hence the hordes of ads you’ve been seeing ever since this program became part of your system. The ads are of various products and services, whose vendors and producers pay crazy money for them to appear on your screen. The developers behind Deskapp and other such software are the ones who get paid and to be exact, they are paid for every click each and every one of the ads receives. This is possible thanks to the well-known Pay Per Click remuneration scheme, which is beneficial for both the programmers and the vendors. The only one who doesn’t seem to benefit in this equation is the end user, who is often left wondering what on earth happened and what they did to deserve the insane streams of ads.

Well, for starters, users are often themselves guilty of ending up with the undesired program. This happens due to negligence and carelessness on their behalf, which by the way is also the number one reason for virus infections, as well. Many cases of malware infections, even those with such terrible threats as Trojans and ransomware, could have been avoided if people were to just be more conscious of their browsing habits. For example, in the case of Deskapp – do you know where you landed it? No? Or maybe you have a hunch? Well, adware is most commonly distributed within the installers of other, more attractive programs. These packages are usually called bundles and can be typically downloaded for free from different file sharing sites and open source download platforms. Unless you read the EULA of the given program you’re downloading, you will most likely not be given any information regarding the added content. To see it, however, you need to customize the installation settings in the wizard, which is what most users neglect doing. Once you opt for the advanced or custom option, you will be able to choose which programs will be installed and which will be left behind.

Is Deskapp dangerous?

Technically speaking, Deskapp is not considered a virus or malware. Adware in general may be often categorized as potentially unwanted programs, but that’s more because of their intrusiveness and their ability to collect browsing-related data from users’ computers. The practice is justified in the sense that it helps the program display ads that are more relevant to the user, however, it’s unsettling to most, as it’s often seen as a privacy invasion. Aside from that, adware isn’t really capable of doing much else while on your system, let alone harming it. However, due to the numerous ads that it generates, it could potentially start slowing down your computer and start causing browser crashes, system malfunctions, screen freeze, etc. This is mainly because of the amount of resources this software usually calls upon, so this may be another reason to consider removing Deskapp rather quickly. Another important point, which is again the result of the many ads, is the possibility of being exposed to viruses. Hackers and cybercriminals have been injecting various online advertising materials with malicious scripts, such as ransomware and Trojans. These ads look no different from your regular ones, but one click will land you a threat that could prove fatal to your system and the files on it. Be sure to avoid contact with the ads you see on your screen, no matter how tempting they may look. Whatever product is on them, it surely won’t be worth the devastation that could follow.

Deskapp “Virus” Removal

I – Uninstallation


  1. Use the Winkey+R keyboard combination, write Control Panel in the search field and hit enter.
  2. Go to Uninstall a program under Programs.
  3. Seek the unwanted software, select it and then click on Uninstall
    1. If you are unable to spot Deskapp, search for any unrecognized programs that you do not remember installing on your PC – the unwanted software might disguise itself by going under a different name.

II – Safe mode and revealing hidden files

  1. Boot your PC into Safe Mode /link/
  2. Reveal hidden files and folders /link/

III – Cleaning all your browsers

  1. Go to your browser’s icon, right-click on it and select Properties.
  2. Go to the Shortcut tab and in the Target make sure to delete anything written after “.exe”.
  3. Now, open your browser and follow the instructions below depending on whether you are using Chrome, Mozilla or IE.
  • Chrome users:
  1. Go to your browser’s main menu located in the top-right corner of the screen and select Settings.
  2. Scroll down, click on Show Advanced Settings and then select Clear browsing data. Just to be sure, tick everything and clear the data.
  3. Now, in the left pane, go to Extensions and look through all extensions that are integrated within your browser. If you notice any suspicious add-on, disable it and then remove it.
  • Firefox users:
  1. Similarly to Chrome, go to the main menu and select Add-ons and then Extensions.
  2. Remove any suspicious browser extensions that you may have even if they do not have the name Deskapp on them.
  • IE users:
  1. Go to Tools and select Manage add-ons.
  2. Click on all add-on types from the left pane and check if there is anything suspicious in the right panel. In case you find anything shade, make sure to remove it.

IV – Removing Shady processes


  1. Go to your start menu, type Task Manager in the search field and from the results open View running processes with Task Manager.
  2. Thoroughly look through all processes. The name Deskapp might not be there, but if you notice any shady looking process that consumes high amounts of memory it might be ran by the unwanted program.
  3. If you spot the process ran by Deskapp, right-click on it, open its file location and delete everything in there. Then go back to the Task Manager and end the process.

V – DNS check

  1. In the start menu search box write View Network Connections and open the first result.
  2. Right-click on the network connection you are using and go to Properties.
  3. Select Internet Protocol Version (TCP/IPv4) and click on Properties.
  4. If Obtain DNS server addresses automatically is not checked, check it.
  5. Go to Advanced and select the DNS If there is anything in the DNS server addresses field, remove it and click OK.
  6. Click OK on the rest of the opened windows.

BikaQRSS “Virus” Removal


Welcome to our BikaQRSS “Virus” removal guide. The following instructions will aid you in removing the unwanted software from your PC.

If you have had BikaQRSS “Virus” installed onto your machine, you have probably already noticed the infuriating amount of internet ads, pop-ups, box messages and banners that start to appear on your screen every time you try to use your browser regardless of whether you are using Chrome, IE, Firefox or any other browsing program. This set of symptoms is typical for a program of the Adware category. There are multiple reports from our readers, that this unwanted software comes along with other adware-like programs like WinSnare and Amulesw, from the aMuleC family. We know just how irritating and frustrating this could be, which is why, we will help you remove the unpleasant piece of software from your machine. However, before we give you our instructions on how to uninstall and fully get rid of BikaQRSS, we must first make sure that you have a good understanding of what Adware programs are, what they do and how to avoid them in future.

Profit through ads

You probably already know that nowadays big amounts of money are earned through online advertising. Adware programs just take that method of gaining income to the next level by flooding the user’s browser with all sorts of advertising materials that when clicked upon generate a tiny amount of money. This probably does not seem like a big deal but when put into perspective, this actually turns out to be quite an effective way of gaining income. Bear in mind that each day a huge number of computers is getting invaded by programs like BikaQRSS and even if only a portion of the users fall for the obnoxious ads and click on them, the revenue gathered would still be substantial.

Comparison between viruses and Adware

Due to their rather unpleasant behavior and lack of any actual use, a lot of people tend to think of Adware programs as some sort of malware or viruses. While there might be some similarities between the two types of software, in reality they are quite different from one another. A typical malware program the likes of Ransomware, Trojans, Spyware, etc. is bond to execute some malicious and illegal task on the computer that it has invaded. Whether the malicious piece of software would try to damage your system (Trojans), spy on you (Spyware) or encrypt your files and blackmail you for a ransom payment (Ransomware), there is no doubt that task it is used for would be both harmful to you and/or your PC and also forbidden by the law. On the other hand, an Adware program like BikaQRSS, despite being very irritating and despite possessing certain security risks, is still usually not harmful on its own.

Things to be aware of

In the previous paragraph, we explained to you why Adware programs are different from malware and virus, yet we also mentioned that there are still certain potential hazards that a program like BikaQRSS might posses. A typical Adware program, on its own, normally does not have the ability to cause any damage to your system. However, sometimes the banners, box messages and pop-ups that it generates could make your machine vulnerable and exposed to different online threats. This is why we you are advised to avoid interacting with the adverts displayed by the unpleasant program. Should you click on any of them, you risk getting redirected to illegal and potentially harmful websites. Alternatively, interacting with the advertising materials might directly result in some shady and unwanted piece of software getting downloaded on your computer.

Another important thing to keep in mind regarding Adware applications is that they are oftentimes capable of gathering information from your browser history and later using it for marketing purposes. In some cases, the data might get sold to third parties without you even knowing about it.

Computer safety

The easiest and most effective way for handling Adware programs is by keeping them at bay and not allowing them to get inside your PC. Here, we have prepared for you a couple of useful tips on how to do that:

  • Keep away from websites that generate a lot of big and obscure banners and ads or that frequently cause you browser to get redirected to other sites.
  • Do not click on random links or open random file attachments that have been sent to you in the form of an e-mail or as some other type of online message unless you are perfectly sure that they are not spam.
  • Always install the latest updates to both your Windows OS and your antivirus program. If you don’t have an antivirus/anti-malware tool, be sure to get one.
  • If you want to install anything new, take a moment and see if the program installer has any other software added to it. If you find that there are any bundled installs, try to figure out whether or not they are safe by looking them up. If the research results show that some of the bundled applications are shady and potentially unwanted or if you think that you still cannot be sure, simply uncheck the added install before you launch the installation and the added software will be left out.

    BikaQRSS “Virus” Removal

    I – Uninstallation


    1. Use the Winkey+R keyboard combination, write Control Panel in the search field and hit enter.
    2. Go to Uninstall a program under Programs.
    3. Seek the unwanted software, select it and then click on Uninstall
      1. If you are unable to spot BikaQRSS, search for any unrecognized programs that you do not remember installing on your PC – the unwanted software might disguise itself by going under a different name.

    II – Safe mode and revealing hidden files

    1. Boot your PC into Safe Mode /link/
    2. Reveal hidden files and folders /link/

    III – Cleaning all your browsers

    1. Go to your browser’s icon, right-click on it and select Properties.
    2. Go to the Shortcut tab and in the Target make sure to delete anything written after “.exe”.
    3. Now, open your browser and follow the instructions below depending on whether you are using Chrome, Mozilla or IE.
    • Chrome users:
    1. Go to your browser’s main menu located in the top-right corner of the screen and select Settings.
    2. Scroll down, click on Show Advanced Settings and then select Clear browsing data. Just to be sure, tick everything and clear the data.
    3. Now, in the left pane, go to Extensions and look through all extensions that are integrated within your browser. If you notice any suspicious add-on, disable it and then remove it.
    • Firefox users:
    1. Similarly to Chrome, go to the main menu and select Add-ons and then Extensions.
    2. Remove any suspicious browser extensions that you may have even if they do not have the name BikaQRSS on them.
    • IE users:
    1. Go to Tools and select Manage add-ons.
    2. Click on all add-on types from the left pane and check if there is anything suspicious in the right panel. In case you find anything shade, make sure to remove it.

    IV – Removing Shady processes


    1. Go to your start menu, type Task Manager in the search field and from the results open View running processes with Task Manager.
    2. Thoroughly look through all processes. The name BikaQRSS might not be there, but if you notice any shady looking process that consumes high amounts of memory it might be ran by the unwanted program.
    3. If you spot the process ran by BikaQRSS, right-click on it, open its file location and delete everything in there. Then go back to the Task Manager and end the process.

    V – DNS check

    1. In the start menu search box write View Network Connections and open the first result.
    2. Right-click on the network connection you are using and go to Properties.
    3. Select Internet Protocol Version (TCP/IPv4) and click on Properties.
    4. If Obtain DNS server addresses automatically is not checked, check it.
    5. Go to Advanced and select the DNS If there is anything in the DNS server addresses field, remove it and click OK.
    6. Click OK on the rest of the opened windows.

“All your files have been encrypted” Virus Removal (+File Recovery)


Welcome to our “All your files have been encrypted” Virus removal guide. The following instructions will aid you in removing the unwanted software from your PC for free.

You have probably heard something about viruses defined as Ransomware. This term is related to all the programs that do something damaging to your computer: like encrypting very important data; and after that requiring money in order to set these files “free”. “All your files have been encrypted” Virus is a representative of this exact malware category. That’s why we have gathered all the essential information about these malicious threats in the following article. This malware gathers the most dangerous viruses known to all users in a very cruel family. All the programs from this category show incredibly harmful features. In the next paragraphs we have discussed the most typical subcategories of this malware. These viruses might have varying goals and behavioral traits but what makes members of one and the same family is their ability to disturb the victim users and make them pay a ransom in return for something on the infected system.

Ransomware Categories

This malware can be divided into the following subgroups:

  • The greatest share represents the infamous file-encrypting Ransomware, the exact subcategory “All your files have been encrypted” falls into. These viruses usually sneak into your computer in an intrusive way; stay hidden until they have determined which directories and data you normally use; after that they encode them with a very complex encryption key. Then, a ransom-demanding alert is generated to let you know about the encryption of your data; as well as about the possible ways to complete the necessary payment. Such harassing notifications may really be frightening. Seldom can you encounter a more dangerous program, as your data might never get decrypted, and you may lose both the files and your money.
  • Moreover, you can come across screen-locking Ransomware. They either infect your computer and block its desktop or they can infect your mobile device and lock the displays of your smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices. The vital part is that no encryption of your files could occurs in this case. You will just be incapable of reaching anything on the affected device, and you will be required to pay ransom for unlocking your screens.
  • You may also come across Ransomware programs, which are exploited by the authorities (specialized agencies of the government) to make cyber criminals pay fines or just to prevent them from using their super powerful computers. This is the only positive usage of this software.

Where Ransomware usually hides

In general, you can easily get infected with Ransomware. Also, these days, “All your files have been encrypted” is also very common as such viruses could be distributed via almost everything on the Internet. They might come as parts of torrents; illegal software spreading web pages; and websites of any kind. However, the most typical sources are the ones we have discussed in the following text:

  • Malicious pop-ups and ads in general: Not all of the ads on the web are just advertising something. Some of them could indeed be tools for sending you to websites, which may contain viruses. As you cannot tell the malvertisement products apart from the harmless ads, we can just recommend that you stay away from them all. Do not open, load or click on any pop-up, banner or other type of advertisements, which you could encounter on the web.
  • Update requests, which are not genuine: You might receive fake update alerts, which function in a way similar to this of the fake advertisements – they can redirect you to contagious websites. That’s why you shouldn’t automatically install anything on your PC. Instead, you should check for any updates manually.
  • Suspicious emails: Our advice to you is to avoid opening any email you don’t expect, don’t recognize or looks shady in some way. Some of them may be malware-containing, and you are supposed to stay as far away as possible from such letters. Remember that not only the emails themselves may be contagious; their attachments might also be infected. Simply do not download or open any of them. It is essential to say in such a case (Ransomware coming from your email) that “All your files have been encrypted” could be distributed along with other viruses – normally, a Trojan horse. Just learn to be cautious, as Trojan horses are likely to cause even more serious harm than the Ransomware-like malware.

The best way to ensure the safety of your system and files is to prevent Ransomware attacks from happening in the first place. And our tip for that is to simply avoid all the potential Ransomware sources and invest your money in top-quality anti-malware software, instead of in paying ransom.

What to do if “All your files have been encrypted” has already contaminated your PC

In case you have already got the terrible ransom-requiring message, you can only hope for the best. In fact, there is no 100% sure method of removing this virus, and saving your files. Of course, you may want to explore several options, however, not a single one of them will promise you virus removal and file decryption. Still, we recommend that you try the Removal Guide below first and then think about other possible solutions to this serious issue.

“All your files have been encrypted” Virus Removal

 Here is what you need to do in order to remove a Ransomware virus from you computer.

I – Reveal Hidden files and folders and utilize the task manager


  1. Use the Folder Options in order to reveal the hidden files and folders on your PC. If you do not know how to do that, follow this link.
  2. Open the Start Menu and in the search field type Task Manager.
    Task Manager
  3. Open the first result and in the Processes tab, carefully look through the list of Processes.
  4. If you notice with the virus name or any other suspicious-looking or that seems to consume large amounts of memory, right-click on it and open its file location. Delete everything in there.



  • Make sure that the hidden files and folders on your PC are visible, else you might not be able to see everything.
  1. Go back to the Task Manager and end the shady process.

II – Boot to Safe Mode

  • Boot your PC into Safe Mode. If you do not know how to do it, use this guide/linked/.

III – Identify the threat

  1. Go to the ID Ransomware website. Here is a direct link.
  2. Follow there in order to identify the specific virus you are dealing with.

IV – Decrypt your files

  1. Once you have identified the virus that has encrypted your files, you must acquire the respective tool to unlock your data.
  2. Open your browser and search for how to decrypt ransomware, look for the name of the one that has infected your system.
  3. With any luck, you’d be able to find a decryptor tool for your ransomware. If that doesn’t happen try Step V as a last ditch effort to save your files.

V – Use Recuva to restore files deleted by the virus

  1. Download the Recuva tool. This will help you restore your original files so that you won’t need to actually decrypt the locked ones.
  2. Once you’ve downloaded the program, open it and select Next.
  3. Now choose the type of files you are seeking to restore and continue to the next page.
  4. When asked where your files were, before they got deleted, either use the option In a specific location and provide that location or choose the opt for the I am not sure alternative – this will make the program look everywhere on your PC.
  5. Click on Next and for best results, enable the Deep Scan option (note that this might take some time).
  6. Wait for the search to finish and then select which of the listed files you want to restore.
  • Keep in mind it is possible that not all files might be fully recovered. You can check in what condition the files are from the State column in the list of deleted files.

“All your files have been encrypted” Virus Removal (+File Recovery)


Welcome to our “All your files have been encrypted” Virus removal guide. The following instructions will aid you in removing the unwanted software from your PC for free.

You have probably heard something about viruses defined as Ransomware. This term is related to all the programs that do something damaging to your computer: like encrypting very important data; and after that requiring money in order to set these files “free”. “All your files have been encrypted” Virus is a representative of this exact malware category. That’s why we have gathered all the essential information about these malicious threats in the following article. This malware gathers the most dangerous viruses known to all users in a very cruel family. All the programs from this category show incredibly harmful features. In the next paragraphs we have discussed the most typical subcategories of this malware. These viruses might have varying goals and behavioral traits but what makes members of one and the same family is their ability to disturb the victim users and make them pay a ransom in return for something on the infected system.

Ransomware Categories

This malware can be divided into the following subgroups:

  • The greatest share represents the infamous file-encrypting Ransomware, the exact subcategory “All your files have been encrypted” falls into. These viruses usually sneak into your computer in an intrusive way; stay hidden until they have determined which directories and data you normally use; after that they encode them with a very complex encryption key. Then, a ransom-demanding alert is generated to let you know about the encryption of your data; as well as about the possible ways to complete the necessary payment. Such harassing notifications may really be frightening. Seldom can you encounter a more dangerous program, as your data might never get decrypted, and you may lose both the files and your money.
  • Moreover, you can come across screen-locking Ransomware. They either infect your computer and block its desktop or they can infect your mobile device and lock the displays of your smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices. The vital part is that no encryption of your files could occurs in this case. You will just be incapable of reaching anything on the affected device, and you will be required to pay ransom for unlocking your screens.
  • You may also come across Ransomware programs, which are exploited by the authorities (specialized agencies of the government) to make cyber criminals pay fines or just to prevent them from using their super powerful computers. This is the only positive usage of this software.

Where Ransomware usually hides

In general, you can easily get infected with Ransomware. Also, these days, “All your files have been encrypted” is also very common as such viruses could be distributed via almost everything on the Internet. They might come as parts of torrents; illegal software spreading web pages; and websites of any kind. However, the most typical sources are the ones we have discussed in the following text:

  • Malicious pop-ups and ads in general: Not all of the ads on the web are just advertising something. Some of them could indeed be tools for sending you to websites, which may contain viruses. As you cannot tell the malvertisement products apart from the harmless ads, we can just recommend that you stay away from them all. Do not open, load or click on any pop-up, banner or other type of advertisements, which you could encounter on the web.
  • Update requests, which are not genuine: You might receive fake update alerts, which function in a way similar to this of the fake advertisements – they can redirect you to contagious websites. That’s why you shouldn’t automatically install anything on your PC. Instead, you should check for any updates manually.
  • Suspicious emails: Our advice to you is to avoid opening any email you don’t expect, don’t recognize or looks shady in some way. Some of them may be malware-containing, and you are supposed to stay as far away as possible from such letters. Remember that not only the emails themselves may be contagious; their attachments might also be infected. Simply do not download or open any of them. It is essential to say in such a case (Ransomware coming from your email) that “All your files have been encrypted” could be distributed along with other viruses – normally, a Trojan horse. Just learn to be cautious, as Trojan horses are likely to cause even more serious harm than the Ransomware-like malware.

The best way to ensure the safety of your system and files is to prevent Ransomware attacks from happening in the first place. And our tip for that is to simply avoid all the potential Ransomware sources and invest your money in top-quality anti-malware software, instead of in paying ransom.

What to do if “All your files have been encrypted” has already contaminated your PC

In case you have already got the terrible ransom-requiring message, you can only hope for the best. In fact, there is no 100% sure method of removing this virus, and saving your files. Of course, you may want to explore several options, however, not a single one of them will promise you virus removal and file decryption. Still, we recommend that you try the Removal Guide below first and then think about other possible solutions to this serious issue.

“All your files have been encrypted” Virus Removal

 Here is what you need to do in order to remove a Ransomware virus from you computer.

I – Reveal Hidden files and folders and utilize the task manager


  1. Use the Folder Options in order to reveal the hidden files and folders on your PC. If you do not know how to do that, follow this link.
  2. Open the Start Menu and in the search field type Task Manager.
    Task Manager
  3. Open the first result and in the Processes tab, carefully look through the list of Processes.
  4. If you notice with the virus name or any other suspicious-looking or that seems to consume large amounts of memory, right-click on it and open its file location. Delete everything in there.



  • Make sure that the hidden files and folders on your PC are visible, else you might not be able to see everything.
  1. Go back to the Task Manager and end the shady process.

II – Boot to Safe Mode

  • Boot your PC into Safe Mode. If you do not know how to do it, use this guide/linked/.

III – Identify the threat

  1. Go to the ID Ransomware website. Here is a direct link.
  2. Follow there in order to identify the specific virus you are dealing with.

IV – Decrypt your files

  1. Once you have identified the virus that has encrypted your files, you must acquire the respective tool to unlock your data.
  2. Open your browser and search for how to decrypt ransomware, look for the name of the one that has infected your system.
  3. With any luck, you’d be able to find a decryptor tool for your ransomware. If that doesn’t happen try Step V as a last ditch effort to save your files.

V – Use Recuva to restore files deleted by the virus

  1. Download the Recuva tool. This will help you restore your original files so that you won’t need to actually decrypt the locked ones.
  2. Once you’ve downloaded the program, open it and select Next.
  3. Now choose the type of files you are seeking to restore and continue to the next page.
  4. When asked where your files were, before they got deleted, either use the option In a specific location and provide that location or choose the opt for the I am not sure alternative – this will make the program look everywhere on your PC.
  5. Click on Next and for best results, enable the Deep Scan option (note that this might take some time).
  6. Wait for the search to finish and then select which of the listed files you want to restore.
  • Keep in mind it is possible that not all files might be fully recovered. You can check in what condition the files are from the State column in the list of deleted files.

Amulell “Virus” Removal


Welcome to our Amulell “Virus” removal guide. The following instructions will aid you in removing the unwanted software from your PC.

If you are struggling with shady ads, banners and box messages that pop-up on your screen every time you try to use your Chrome, IE or Firefox browser, then you’ve more than likely had an Adware program such as Amulell “Virus” installed onto your machine. If you want to learn what the purpose of these applications is, whether they are potentially dangerous and how you can keep them away from your machine, be sure to read the following few paragraphs. Additionally, since you might be looking for a way to uninstall and remove Amulell, we have that covered within our removal guide at the bottom of this article. If Amulell has indeed made its way inside your PC’s system, we strongly advise you to use our guide so as to get rid of the unpleasant program. Just make sure to first finish the article itself, because it will give you very important and essential information regarding programs of the Adware category.

Money through ads

Obviously, the main reason behind the endless generation of adverts coming from Adware programs is none other than financial profit. Applications such as Amulell “Virus” are perfectly capable of earning significant amounts of income solely through the ads they create by using the Pay-Per-Click scheme. What this basically means is that for each click received by any of the Adware ads, the creator of the nagging piece of software gains a small amount of money. When put into perspective, it becomes evident that this method could actually generate quite substantial amounts of profit. That is also why Adware programs seem to be everywhere – there’s just so many applications of this type and each day more and more are getting developed. The problem is that it’s usually all at the expense of the regular user who is forced to put up with the never-ending display of all sorts of intrusive and rage-inducing browser banners, pop-ups, box messages, etc. just so that someone, somewhere could make money out of it.

A security threat?

While Adware programs are definitely something most people would be better off without, it is important to note that software which falls under this category is normally not considered to be malicious. There are quite a few differences between noxious malware the likes of Trojans, Spyware, Ransomware, etc. and potentially unwanted programs like Amulell. Though having Adware on your machine might seem disturbing at first, as long as you remember to be careful around it and make sure to remove it ASAP, everything should be fine.

Why remove the Adware?

Some people might be okay with having their browser flooded with all sorts of nagging adverts (though we doubt that). However, there are other reasons why we believe that an Adware program should be removed from the computer as soon as the user finds out about it. Apart from being annoying, applications such as Amulell “Virus” could also turn out to be a potential security hazard. Again, this does not mean that Adware programs are the same as Ransomware and Trojans, but as far as your machine’s safety is concerned, there’s simply no need for unnecessary risks. One of the things that you should be the most cautious with is the adverts, themselves. Clicking on any of them may result in a page redirect to different websites that might have hazardous and harmful contents. Furthermore, some of the ads might directly download unwanted and potentially dangerous software on your PC. Our advice for you is to do your best not to interact with the adverts that Amulell generates and see to the removal of the unpleasant software as soon as possible.

How to protect your machine against Adware

As long as you adhere to the following few rules and guidelines, you should have little to no problem with keeping unpleasant programs like Amulell “Virus” away from your computer.

  • Be careful with the internet addresses that you visit and if you see that the pages of a certain website tend to have a lot of obscure and annoying ads or frequently cause your browser to get redirected, make sure to leave that site.
  • Always be watchful and on the lookout for spam messages/e-mails because those are very commonly used for the distribution of different types of unwanted and potentially harmful programs (Adware included).
  • Do not forget to keep your antivirus program enabled and fully updated. The same applies to your Windows firewall.
  • Prior to installing a new program, take a few moments to determine if there are any added applications to the installer of that program. Carefully check all settings in the setup wizard and if there’s anything bundled with the main piece of software that you think might be potentially unwanted, be sure to leave it out before you click on Install.

Amulell “Virus” Removal

I – Uninstallation


  1. Use the Winkey+R keyboard combination, write Control Panel in the search field and hit enter.
  2. Go to Uninstall a program under Programs.
  3. Seek the unwanted software, select it and then click on Uninstall
    1. If you are unable to spot Amulell, search for any unrecognized programs that you do not remember installing on your PC – the unwanted software might disguise itself by going under a different name.

II – Safe mode and revealing hidden files

  1. Boot your PC into Safe Mode /link/
  2. Reveal hidden files and folders /link/

III – Cleaning all your browsers

  1. Go to your browser’s icon, right-click on it and select Properties.
  2. Go to the Shortcut tab and in the Target make sure to delete anything written after “.exe”.
  3. Now, open your browser and follow the instructions below depending on whether you are using Chrome, Mozilla or IE.
  • Chrome users:
  1. Go to your browser’s main menu located in the top-right corner of the screen and select Settings.
  2. Scroll down, click on Show Advanced Settings and then select Clear browsing data. Just to be sure, tick everything and clear the data.
  3. Now, in the left pane, go to Extensions and look through all extensions that are integrated within your browser. If you notice any suspicious add-on, disable it and then remove it.
  • Firefox users:
  1. Similarly to Chrome, go to the main menu and select Add-ons and then Extensions.
  2. Remove any suspicious browser extensions that you may have even if they do not have the name Amulell on them.
  • IE users:
  1. Go to Tools and select Manage add-ons.
  2. Click on all add-on types from the left pane and check if there is anything suspicious in the right panel. In case you find anything shade, make sure to remove it.

IV – Removing Shady processes


  1. Go to your start menu, type Task Manager in the search field and from the results open View running processes with Task Manager.
  2. Thoroughly look through all processes. The name Amulell might not be there, but if you notice any shady looking process that consumes high amounts of memory it might be ran by the unwanted program.
  3. If you spot the process ran by Amulell, right-click on it, open its file location and delete everything in there. Then go back to the Task Manager and end the process.

V – DNS check

  1. In the start menu search box write View Network Connections and open the first result.
  2. Right-click on the network connection you are using and go to Properties.
  3. Select Internet Protocol Version (TCP/IPv4) and click on Properties.
  4. If Obtain DNS server addresses automatically is not checked, check it.
  5. Go to Advanced and select the DNS If there is anything in the DNS server addresses field, remove it and click OK.
  6. Click OK on the rest of the opened windows.

“All your documents” Virus File Removal (+File Recovery)


Welcome to our “All your documents” Virus File removal guide. The following instructions will aid you in removing the unwanted software from your PC for free.

Nowadays, the web is full of tricky and malicious threats, which may make your entire online experience a real nightmare in just a few seconds. One of these malicious threats is the infamous Ransomware and specifically, one of its latest variants named “All your documents” Virus. This threat is a very dangerous cryptovirus that is able to encrypt all of your files and then blackmail you for ransom if you want them back. Its harmful consequences are oftentimes irreversible and if you want to deal with it effectively, you may need some serious assistance from a professional, or very detailed instructions that can help you remove it. More about the options of eliminating “All your documents” and recovering from its attack you can learn in the next lines, so spend the needed time to familiarize yourself with the threat and make the best decision.

What makes “All your documents” Virus such a dangerous threat?

“All your documents” is a file-encrypting virus (cryptovirus) from the Ransomware type and what makes it really a threat you don’t want to have on your machine is its malicious encryption. Basically, this harmful cryptovirus has a very cunning nature and has been created by a group of criminal hackers with one specific goal – to block the access to your most valuable data, which could be found on the infected computer, with the help of a very complex encryption algorithm, and then, ask you to pay money (as ransom) to restore your access. This is a very cunning and harassing criminal scheme, which is very popular among the criminal circles nowadays and is evolving with fast temps. Online users, small businesses and even big corporations all around the world are becoming victims of Ransomware and newer and more sophisticated threats ensure that their number grows rapidly. 

This is how the infection mechanism works:

Firstly, “All your documents” tries to infect you and sneak inside your system undetected. This could happen if you unknowingly click on some contaminated web content such as ads, links, web pages, installers, torrents, pop-ups, malicious attachments and spam emails or you get infected with a Trojan horse, which is usually used as an effective transmitter of the Ransomware threat to your computer. It practically gives the cryptovirus a cover, under which it can peacefully perform its harmful deeds without being detected. Once inside the machine, the Ransomware immediately starts to scan your disks and drives for targeted data such as images, documents, work files, projects, music, videos, and all sorts of commonly used stuff that you keep on your PC. Then, it begins to encrypt each and every file, this way making it inaccessible in any way. The encryption process usually happens without any visible symptoms, which makes it extremely hard for the user to detect and stop the malware before it has done its damage. When all the data is encrypted, however, the Ransomware doesn’t need to hide anymore. It reveals itself with a ransom message on the victim’s screen. There, the hackers who stand behind the threat, announce the requested ransom and set their deadlines. A decryption key is promised to the infected people, with the help of which they can decrypt their files. However, they may get it only if they fulfill the hackers’ demands.

What can you do if your data has been encrypted with “All your documents” Virus?

Frankly speaking, with a threat like “All your documents” on your PC, you are literally blackmailed and your entire system is vulnerable. So this is not a pleasant situation to be in at all. The dilemma is whether to submit to the criminals with the hope that you might get your files back or to combat the malware by other means. In both cases, your encrypted data is put at risk, since you may not be able to get it back no matter what you do. Let’s say you decide to pay the ransom. What gives you a guarantee that you will get a decryption key once you pay the ransom? The promise of some anonymous criminal hackers? Really? You can always put your hard earned money to that risk, but the truth is that you may not get anything in return. You will only encourage such unscrupulous hackers to keep blackmailing you and other online users with their nasty Ransomware versions.

Removing “All your documents”, on the other hand, may also not guarantee you will get your files back to normal. However, it is still better to remove the nasty infection from your system rather than keeping it there and leaving your PC vulnerable to even worse criminal deeds. You can seek a professional’s help for that but that may also cost you a fortune. Or you can try to remove “All your documents” all by yourself using the instructions in the removal guide below. They are available to you for free and you can even try to restore some of your data with the steps shown below. We can’t promise you miracles, but giving them a try is still an alternative to the ransom.

“All your documents” Virus File Removal

 Here is what you need to do in order to remove a Ransomware virus from you computer.

I – Reveal Hidden files and folders and utilize the task manager


  1. Use the Folder Options in order to reveal the hidden files and folders on your PC. If you do not know how to do that, follow this link.
  2. Open the Start Menu and in the search field type Task Manager.
    Task Manager
  3. Open the first result and in the Processes tab, carefully look through the list of Processes.
  4. If you notice with the virus name or any other suspicious-looking or that seems to consume large amounts of memory, right-click on it and open its file location. Delete everything in there.



  • Make sure that the hidden files and folders on your PC are visible, else you might not be able to see everything.
  1. Go back to the Task Manager and end the shady process.

II – Boot to Safe Mode

  • Boot your PC into Safe Mode. If you do not know how to do it, use this guide/linked/.

III – Identify the threat

  1. Go to the ID Ransomware website. Here is a direct link.
  2. Follow there in order to identify the specific virus you are dealing with.

IV – Decrypt your files

  1. Once you have identified the virus that has encrypted your files, you must acquire the respective tool to unlock your data.
  2. Open your browser and search for how to decrypt ransomware, look for the name of the one that has infected your system.
  3. With any luck, you’d be able to find a decryptor tool for your ransomware. If that doesn’t happen try Step V as a last ditch effort to save your files.

V – Use Recuva to restore files deleted by the virus

  1. Download the Recuva tool. This will help you restore your original files so that you won’t need to actually decrypt the locked ones.
  2. Once you’ve downloaded the program, open it and select Next.
  3. Now choose the type of files you are seeking to restore and continue to the next page.
  4. When asked where your files were, before they got deleted, either use the option In a specific location and provide that location or choose the opt for the I am not sure alternative – this will make the program look everywhere on your PC.
  5. Click on Next and for best results, enable the Deep Scan option (note that this might take some time).
  6. Wait for the search to finish and then select which of the listed files you want to restore.
  • Keep in mind it is possible that not all files might be fully recovered. You can check in what condition the files are from the State column in the list of deleted files.

How to Remove Startpage Search Engine


Welcome to our Startpage Search Engine removal guide. The following instructions will aid you in removing the unwanted software from your PC.

Welcome to the Startpage Search Engine removal guide. If you’ve got pissed off of the intrusive behavior of this browser hijacker, and you really want to uninstall all of the annoying changes that it has probably imposed to your Chrome, Firefox or IE browser, then you’ve come to the right place. You’ve probably been searching for ways to effectively remove this program from your computer and save yourself from its aggressively popping ads, new tabs and constant page redirects, so on this page, we are going to show you exactly how to do that. No long explanations, no complex instructions for computer ninjas – just a step-by-step removal guide which can help you detect and fully eliminate Startpage Search Engine and all of the annoyance it might have created. In case you need some more details about the nature of this software and the most effective ways to keep it away from your system, it is a good idea to read the information below.  It will give you a better idea about Startpage Search Engine and the way you can deal with it, so you can successfully uninstall all of its traces from your computer.

Startpage Search Engine – a browser hijacker with huge disturbing potential.

Startpage Search Engine is a program, which has the potential to create a huge browsing related disturbance. It falls into the category of the infamous browser hijackers – pieces of software, created with marketing purposes, which are usually programmed to hijack the users’ browsers and flood them with specific sponsored advertisements. These programs are basically used to promote different products, services, and web pages, but very often, the way they do that quite aggressively. They may take over the entire browser, substitute the users’ homepage with some promoted website or replace their search engine and redirect them to certain ads, products, sales, and promotions. You can mostly catch them from software bundles, spam, free installers, shareware, torrents or different sketchy and advertisement sites.

The people who create such types of software (mostly vendors, producers and software developers) basically profit from it by collecting paid clicks from the displayed advertisements through the popular Pay-Per-Click remuneration model. There is nothing wrong or suspicious about that, but sometimes, in their strive for more clicks and profits, they may overdo it with a number of marketing materials they expose the users to. This, on the other hand, may create some irritation and severely disturb the normal browsing activity of the affected people. Therefore, they may wish to save themselves from the ads invasion on their screen.  

Could Startpage Search Engine be a computer virus or some nasty malware?

Luckily, if you have Startpage Search Engine on your PC, there is nothing much to be concerned about. You’ve not been infected with a virus or some stealthy malware like a Trojan horse or Ransomware cryptovirus. Still, some people, who face a browser hijacker like this one for the first time, may get really worried and may wrongly refer to it as a virus. If you are one of them, then let us ease your mind. No browser hijacker has ever been classified as malicious so far. Moreover, a browser hijacker does not contain malicious scripts or some harmful code that could possibly harm your system or your files. This is a specialty of real malware like computer viruses, Trojans, and Ransomware. A program like Startpage Search Engine could never be this malicious and the worst it could do is mess with your browser and your online activity.

For some users, however, even this may be enough disturbance, so they may wish to remove the program from their computers despite that it is not really malicious. In fact, the browser hijacker may also affect the speed of the infected browser, make it unresponsive to the users’ searches, or even cause it to frequently crash. It may also use some serious amount of system resources for displaying its useless ads and pop-ups, this way affecting the overall performance of the PC. The advertisers may also use it to collect some data, related to your latest web searches, your browsing history, and bookmarks, and use it for their marketing purposes. This may be considered as a bit of a privacy invasion, which may really convince the users to uninstall the browser hijacker from their machine. 

Remove Startpage Search Engine

I – Uninstallation


  1. Use the Winkey+R keyboard combination, write Control Panel in the search field and hit enter.
  2. Go to Uninstall a program under Programs.
  3. Seek the unwanted software, select it and then click on Uninstall
    1. If you are unable to spot Startpage Search Engine, search for any unrecognized programs that you do not remember installing on your PC – the unwanted software might disguise itself by going under a different name.

II – Safe mode and revealing hidden files

  1. Boot your PC into Safe Mode /link/
  2. Reveal hidden files and folders /link/

III – Cleaning all your browsers

  1. Go to your browser’s icon, right-click on it and select Properties.
  2. Go to the Shortcut tab and in the Target make sure to delete anything written after “.exe”.
  3. Now, open your browser and follow the instructions below depending on whether you are using Chrome, Mozilla or IE.
  • Chrome users:
  1. Go to your browser’s main menu located in the top-right corner of the screen and select Settings.
  2. Scroll down, click on Show Advanced Settings and then select Clear browsing data. Just to be sure, tick everything and clear the data.
  3. Now, in the left pane, go to Extensions and look through all extensions that are integrated within your browser. If you notice any suspicious add-on, disable it and then remove it.
  • Firefox users:
  1. Similarly to Chrome, go to the main menu and select Add-ons and then Extensions.
  2. Remove any suspicious browser extensions that you may have even if they do not have the name Startpage Search Engine on them.
  • IE users:
  1. Go to Tools and select Manage add-ons.
  2. Click on all add-on types from the left pane and check if there is anything suspicious in the right panel. In case you find anything shade, make sure to remove it.

IV – Removing Shady processes


  1. Go to your start menu, type Task Manager in the search field and from the results open View running processes with Task Manager.
  2. Thoroughly look through all processes. The name Startpage Search Engine might not be there, but if you notice any shady looking process that consumes high amounts of memory it might be ran by the unwanted program.
  3. If you spot the process ran by Startpage Search Engine, right-click on it, open its file location and delete everything in there. Then go back to the Task Manager and end the process.

V – DNS check

  1. In the start menu search box write View Network Connections and open the first result.
  2. Right-click on the network connection you are using and go to Properties.
  3. Select Internet Protocol Version (TCP/IPv4) and click on Properties.
  4. If Obtain DNS server addresses automatically is not checked, check it.
  5. Go to Advanced and select the DNS If there is anything in the DNS server addresses field, remove it and click OK.
  6. Click OK on the rest of the opened windows.

How to Remove New Tab Search (Chrome/Firefox/IE)


Welcome to our New Tab Search removal guide. The following instructions will aid you in removing the unwanted software from your PC.

As the number of the infections, caused by browser hijackers, seems to be constantly rising, we are going to describe at least one of their versions here. Below we are going to talk about New Tab Search, just a typical hijacker. In short, we can say that this program may:

  • Influence all of your browser apps. It doesn’t really matter whether you use Explorer, Firefox, or Chrome, as none of them will be spared.
  • Affect the aforementioned browsers, so that they could launch some really irritating ad campaigns, consisting of many pop-up ads, displayed while you are browsing.
  • Make your browsers redirect you to many online locations, which could really raise some concerns.
  • Program your apps to show some unfamiliar homepages and search engines, which may substitute your default ones – an activity that could greatly annoy you.

Browser Hijackers in details

In this paragraph, it is essential to state that all the existing hijackers might infect your browser apps. In fact, such programs have nothing to do with any virus forms. To be completely precise, all their activities are just advertisement-driven. As a result, all the possible alterations we have mentioned above could occur and irritate you. The truth is that the programmers behind this advertising software get huge payments for making their hijackers efficient marketing tools. By efficient, most of the producers understand more generated ads and more performed redirections. That’s why these programs behave in such a way.

The differences between New Tab Search and the most famous (and harmful) malware forms:

The usual suspects when it comes to virus activity- the Trojans or Ransomware versions, can and will perform some very dangerous activities once inside your system For instance, some of them may encrypt data, others – destroy it or delete it from your drives. Anything like that is impossible to happen because of New Tab Search. All it may at times do is review your last search requests made online, and adjust the ad production of ads to them. At first, such an activity might appear more or less intrusive. Nonetheless, such research may even end up being helpful to you. As a result, you will receive the best offers, which you may like, automatically. However, some users find such reviews to be rather shady, as they fear such ads may lead to malware-containing web pages. These suspicions are not proven, though.

How is it likely to catch New Tab Search (and other hijackers)

All hijackers may be found nearly anywhere on the web. They may be components of torrents; or websites. Such programs could get distributed via spam or malicious ads. However, the source, which most programmers use, is program bundling. The created bundles are many various programs mixed and spread together. Just note that to download a bundle is not the same as to cause an infection. Improperly installing it, however, is. The text below will explain how to install bundles in a prepared and sensible way.

Installing a bundle but leaving the hijacker inside it behind:

Just follow the instructions you can find below and you shouldn’t get infected by New Tab Search. When the wizard pops up, you will notice the available installation features. From the ones that you can see, search for the Advanced (also Customized) one. Go with it only it to complete the installation process. That is how you will get to control what enters your computer and what doesn’t. Ensure that you always ignore the other installation options. They may have many different names – Typical, Default, Automatic, Quick or Recommended. If you choose them, the consequences will not be good for your system; as by selecting them you have no other choice but to incorporate the entire bundle into your system.

How to get rid of this disturbing program

In case the infection has already taken place, we suggest that you follow the steps you can find inside our Removal Guide below.

How to prevent future hijacker contaminations

It’s crucial that you learn to practice smart surfing. This means that you should always stay away from all possible hijacker sources. What’s more, don’t be stingy when it comes to purchasing an anti-malware tool. On the contrary – invest more in the best program on the market. We promise that you will never regret it as it may block not only viruses but irritating programs like New Tab Search as well.

New Tab Search Removal

I – Uninstallation


  1. Use the Winkey+R keyboard combination, write Control Panel in the search field and hit enter.
  2. Go to Uninstall a program under Programs.
  3. Seek the unwanted software, select it and then click on Uninstall
    1. If you are unable to spot New Tab Search, search for any unrecognized programs that you do not remember installing on your PC – the unwanted software might disguise itself by going under a different name.

II – Safe mode and revealing hidden files

  1. Boot your PC into Safe Mode /link/
  2. Reveal hidden files and folders /link/

III – Cleaning all your browsers

  1. Go to your browser’s icon, right-click on it and select Properties.
  2. Go to the Shortcut tab and in the Target make sure to delete anything written after “.exe”.
  3. Now, open your browser and follow the instructions below depending on whether you are using Chrome, Mozilla or IE.
  • Chrome users:
  1. Go to your browser’s main menu located in the top-right corner of the screen and select Settings.
  2. Scroll down, click on Show Advanced Settings and then select Clear browsing data. Just to be sure, tick everything and clear the data.
  3. Now, in the left pane, go to Extensions and look through all extensions that are integrated within your browser. If you notice any suspicious add-on, disable it and then remove it.
  • Firefox users:
  1. Similarly to Chrome, go to the main menu and select Add-ons and then Extensions.
  2. Remove any suspicious browser extensions that you may have even if they do not have the name New Tab Search on them.
  • IE users:
  1. Go to Tools and select Manage add-ons.
  2. Click on all add-on types from the left pane and check if there is anything suspicious in the right panel. In case you find anything shade, make sure to remove it.

IV – Removing Shady processes


  1. Go to your start menu, type Task Manager in the search field and from the results open View running processes with Task Manager.
  2. Thoroughly look through all processes. The name New Tab Search might not be there, but if you notice any shady looking process that consumes high amounts of memory it might be ran by the unwanted program.
  3. If you spot the process ran by New Tab Search, right-click on it, open its file location and delete everything in there. Then go back to the Task Manager and end the process.

V – DNS check

  1. In the start menu search box write View Network Connections and open the first result.
  2. Right-click on the network connection you are using and go to Properties.
  3. Select Internet Protocol Version (TCP/IPv4) and click on Properties.
  4. If Obtain DNS server addresses automatically is not checked, check it.
  5. Go to Advanced and select the DNS If there is anything in the DNS server addresses field, remove it and click OK.
  6. Click OK on the rest of the opened windows.

Аmules “Virus” Removal


Welcome to our Аmules “Virus” removal guide. The following instructions will aid you in removing the unwanted software from your PC.

If you have recently encountered a program called Аmules “Virus”, then you are most likely panicking, thinking how it could have ended up on your PC, what it’s doing there and what you can possibly do to remove it. Luckily, you’ve landed on the right place and here we will tell you all you need to know about this program and why it’s causing the changes to your regular browsing experience that it is. First of all, we should point out that Аmules is a representative of the aMuleC family – a software category better known as adware. As such, its primary objective it to flood your Chrome, Firefox, Edge or other default browser with numerous popups, banners, box messages, hyperlinks and various other advertising materials promoting different products and services. But you needn’t be worried about this activity, as below as a removal guide, which will show you exactly how to put a stop to it. Before you do, however, we would recommend finishing reading this article, as it will help you better understand the nature of this program and others of its kind.

Why does adware keep distributing these annoying ads?

The short and simple answer is money. But that may not say much, so let’s explain. Programs like Аmules that fall under the adware category tend to all in one way or another be involved in some online business model and more often than not this tends to be the Pay Per Click scheme. This is a very popular remuneration scheme, which ensures that the developers of adware and similar advertising software get paid based on the number of the times their ads got clicked by users such as yourself. They basically earn revenue from the product/service manufacturers or distributors. Now, this well-established scheme is known to breed certain practices that are commonly frowned upon in the online community.

For one, programs like Аmules can often be programmed to scan through your browsing history in search of valuable for them information. Such are your recent search queries, the websites you tend to hang out at most or that you have favorited/bookmarked. In addition, they may want to keep track of the kind of content you demonstrate interest in. They may obtain this info by monitoring the things you like and share on social media, for example, as well as on other platforms. Once the program in question has gathered a sufficient amount of data on you, it will then proceed to modify flow of ads on your screen, so that it corresponds to your interests and preferences. As you might guess, this will automatically increase the program’s chances of extracting more clicks from you and therefore more profit. However, this is the kind of activity that most security experts tend to disapprove of and with good reason. For one, it’s quite the obvious intrusion into one’s personal space and one that’s not advertised at that.

Is Аmules dangerous?

This brings us to our next point. Many people tend to think of adware and similar programs as of viruses or some form of malware. This is a popular misconception that comes from the fact that people most times have no idea where the program came from, what it is and so on. Аmules possesses no traits of a malicious program and cannot cause any harm to your system like viruses of the rank of Trojans and ransomware could. It does, however, have the capacity of exposing you to threats of that caliber via all the numerous popups, banners and other ads that it keeps displaying. For this reason we find it important to warn users against interacting with any form of online advertising, as you never know which particular ad may have been compromised by criminals.

And finally, to solve the mystery of how Аmules may have infiltrated your machine, most often this happens with the help of program bundles. This piece of adware may have been attached to the installation manager of another program that you downloaded of your own free will, only neglected to pay attention to the installation process, which is when you overlooked the adware. To avoid things like this in the future, we recommend that you manually customize the installation process of new programs by opting for the Custom of Advanced settings of the installer. This will provide you with more details about any added content, which you may then remove, before it becomes part of your system.

Аmules “Virus” Removal

I – Uninstallation


  1. Use the Winkey+R keyboard combination, write Control Panel in the search field and hit enter.
  2. Go to Uninstall a program under Programs.
  3. Seek the unwanted software, select it and then click on Uninstall
    1. If you are unable to spot Аmules, search for any unrecognized programs that you do not remember installing on your PC – the unwanted software might disguise itself by going under a different name.

II – Safe mode and revealing hidden files

  1. Boot your PC into Safe Mode /link/
  2. Reveal hidden files and folders /link/

III – Cleaning all your browsers

  1. Go to your browser’s icon, right-click on it and select Properties.
  2. Go to the Shortcut tab and in the Target make sure to delete anything written after “.exe”.
  3. Now, open your browser and follow the instructions below depending on whether you are using Chrome, Mozilla or IE.
  • Chrome users:
  1. Go to your browser’s main menu located in the top-right corner of the screen and select Settings.
  2. Scroll down, click on Show Advanced Settings and then select Clear browsing data. Just to be sure, tick everything and clear the data.
  3. Now, in the left pane, go to Extensions and look through all extensions that are integrated within your browser. If you notice any suspicious add-on, disable it and then remove it.
  • Firefox users:
  1. Similarly to Chrome, go to the main menu and select Add-ons and then Extensions.
  2. Remove any suspicious browser extensions that you may have even if they do not have the name Аmules on them.
  • IE users:
  1. Go to Tools and select Manage add-ons.
  2. Click on all add-on types from the left pane and check if there is anything suspicious in the right panel. In case you find anything shade, make sure to remove it.

IV – Removing Shady processes


  1. Go to your start menu, type Task Manager in the search field and from the results open View running processes with Task Manager.
  2. Thoroughly look through all processes. The name Аmules might not be there, but if you notice any shady looking process that consumes high amounts of memory it might be ran by the unwanted program.
  3. If you spot the process ran by Аmules, right-click on it, open its file location and delete everything in there. Then go back to the Task Manager and end the process.

V – DNS check

  1. In the start menu search box write View Network Connections and open the first result.
  2. Right-click on the network connection you are using and go to Properties.
  3. Select Internet Protocol Version (TCP/IPv4) and click on Properties.
  4. If Obtain DNS server addresses automatically is not checked, check it.
  5. Go to Advanced and select the DNS If there is anything in the DNS server addresses field, remove it and click OK.
  6. Click OK on the rest of the opened windows.

Аmules “Virus” Removal


Welcome to our Аmules “Virus” removal guide. The following instructions will aid you in removing the unwanted software from your PC.

If you have recently encountered a program called Аmules “Virus”, then you are most likely panicking, thinking how it could have ended up on your PC, what it’s doing there and what you can possibly do to remove it. Luckily, you’ve landed on the right place and here we will tell you all you need to know about this program and why it’s causing the changes to your regular browsing experience that it is. First of all, we should point out that Аmules is a representative of the aMuleC family – a software category better known as adware. As such, its primary objective it to flood your Chrome, Firefox, Edge or other default browser with numerous popups, banners, box messages, hyperlinks and various other advertising materials promoting different products and services. But you needn’t be worried about this activity, as below as a removal guide, which will show you exactly how to put a stop to it. Before you do, however, we would recommend finishing reading this article, as it will help you better understand the nature of this program and others of its kind.

Why does adware keep distributing these annoying ads?

The short and simple answer is money. But that may not say much, so let’s explain. Programs like Аmules that fall under the adware category tend to all in one way or another be involved in some online business model and more often than not this tends to be the Pay Per Click scheme. This is a very popular remuneration scheme, which ensures that the developers of adware and similar advertising software get paid based on the number of the times their ads got clicked by users such as yourself. They basically earn revenue from the product/service manufacturers or distributors. Now, this well-established scheme is known to breed certain practices that are commonly frowned upon in the online community.

For one, programs like Аmules can often be programmed to scan through your browsing history in search of valuable for them information. Such are your recent search queries, the websites you tend to hang out at most or that you have favorited/bookmarked. In addition, they may want to keep track of the kind of content you demonstrate interest in. They may obtain this info by monitoring the things you like and share on social media, for example, as well as on other platforms. Once the program in question has gathered a sufficient amount of data on you, it will then proceed to modify flow of ads on your screen, so that it corresponds to your interests and preferences. As you might guess, this will automatically increase the program’s chances of extracting more clicks from you and therefore more profit. However, this is the kind of activity that most security experts tend to disapprove of and with good reason. For one, it’s quite the obvious intrusion into one’s personal space and one that’s not advertised at that.

Is Аmules dangerous?

This brings us to our next point. Many people tend to think of adware and similar programs as of viruses or some form of malware. This is a popular misconception that comes from the fact that people most times have no idea where the program came from, what it is and so on. Аmules possesses no traits of a malicious program and cannot cause any harm to your system like viruses of the rank of Trojans and ransomware could. It does, however, have the capacity of exposing you to threats of that caliber via all the numerous popups, banners and other ads that it keeps displaying. For this reason we find it important to warn users against interacting with any form of online advertising, as you never know which particular ad may have been compromised by criminals.

And finally, to solve the mystery of how Аmules may have infiltrated your machine, most often this happens with the help of program bundles. This piece of adware may have been attached to the installation manager of another program that you downloaded of your own free will, only neglected to pay attention to the installation process, which is when you overlooked the adware. To avoid things like this in the future, we recommend that you manually customize the installation process of new programs by opting for the Custom of Advanced settings of the installer. This will provide you with more details about any added content, which you may then remove, before it becomes part of your system.

Аmules “Virus” Removal

I – Uninstallation


  1. Use the Winkey+R keyboard combination, write Control Panel in the search field and hit enter.
  2. Go to Uninstall a program under Programs.
  3. Seek the unwanted software, select it and then click on Uninstall
    1. If you are unable to spot Аmules, search for any unrecognized programs that you do not remember installing on your PC – the unwanted software might disguise itself by going under a different name.

II – Safe mode and revealing hidden files

  1. Boot your PC into Safe Mode /link/
  2. Reveal hidden files and folders /link/

III – Cleaning all your browsers

  1. Go to your browser’s icon, right-click on it and select Properties.
  2. Go to the Shortcut tab and in the Target make sure to delete anything written after “.exe”.
  3. Now, open your browser and follow the instructions below depending on whether you are using Chrome, Mozilla or IE.
  • Chrome users:
  1. Go to your browser’s main menu located in the top-right corner of the screen and select Settings.
  2. Scroll down, click on Show Advanced Settings and then select Clear browsing data. Just to be sure, tick everything and clear the data.
  3. Now, in the left pane, go to Extensions and look through all extensions that are integrated within your browser. If you notice any suspicious add-on, disable it and then remove it.
  • Firefox users:
  1. Similarly to Chrome, go to the main menu and select Add-ons and then Extensions.
  2. Remove any suspicious browser extensions that you may have even if they do not have the name Аmules on them.
  • IE users:
  1. Go to Tools and select Manage add-ons.
  2. Click on all add-on types from the left pane and check if there is anything suspicious in the right panel. In case you find anything shade, make sure to remove it.

IV – Removing Shady processes


  1. Go to your start menu, type Task Manager in the search field and from the results open View running processes with Task Manager.
  2. Thoroughly look through all processes. The name Аmules might not be there, but if you notice any shady looking process that consumes high amounts of memory it might be ran by the unwanted program.
  3. If you spot the process ran by Аmules, right-click on it, open its file location and delete everything in there. Then go back to the Task Manager and end the process.

V – DNS check

  1. In the start menu search box write View Network Connections and open the first result.
  2. Right-click on the network connection you are using and go to Properties.
  3. Select Internet Protocol Version (TCP/IPv4) and click on Properties.
  4. If Obtain DNS server addresses automatically is not checked, check it.
  5. Go to Advanced and select the DNS If there is anything in the DNS server addresses field, remove it and click OK.
  6. Click OK on the rest of the opened windows.